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发布时间:2009-11-02    人气:

The 2009th Photo Competition Contributions Invited
for Foreign Teachers and Students
For further active cultural communication in our campus, show the artistic and diversified aspect of our foreign teachers and students, the 2009th TCZJ Photo Competition is to be held for  foreign teachers and students, see notes as follows:
一、 比赛主题 Competition Theme
     Discover beauties from prosperity, nature, humanity, life, and architecture.
二、 投稿方式 Submission Way
     Photos (mounting prohibited ), simple creation description can be attached.
三、 稿件要求Contribution Requirement
1. 所有参赛作品中的数码照片,要求图片尺寸为10寸照片(附电子文件)。
    All digital photos should be 10-inch in size (electric files attached).
2. 每件作品要有一个名字,并做一个简短说明,以体现主题。
    Every work should have its name, and a short description, to show the theme.
3. 作品为单幅或组照,组照也按单幅评比。
   Your work can be single one or photo series, both will be treated as single ones.
4. 不得盗用他人作品,否则责任自负。
   Plagiarism and copying other peoples works would be invalid, self-responsibility.
5. 参赛作品不得添加边框、签名、水印、标题等修饰,否则按弃权处理。
The works shouldn’t add decorations like fram, signature, watermark, or title, otherwise would be regarded as abdication.
6. 凡已在其它摄影大赛获过奖的作品不得再投稿参赛,一旦发现立即取消参赛资格。
   Works ever participated in other photo competitions cannot re-submit here, and would be stripped the qualification this time.
7. 参赛作品不再退回,请自留副本。
    Entry work willnot be returned, please keep your own copies.
四、 参赛规则 Review and Rules
1. 学院组织专业摄影专家若干人组成评委会。
  The college organize the evaluation committee composed of specialized photographic experts.
2. 参赛者必须是参赛作品的独自原创作者,并保证其拥有该作品的合法著作权。如出现剽窃等侵权行为,有权取消其参赛资格,侵权者承担相应的法律责任。
Competitors should be the solo original author of their works, and assure the legal copyright. The participation qualification can be deprived when work plagiarisms are found, infringers assume the relevent legal responsibility.
3. 作品涉及的著作权、肖像权、名誉权等法律责任均由作者负责。
  The author should take in charge of copyright, portraiture right, and reputation right.
五、 奖励设置 Result and Reward
1. 邀请摄影专家担任评委,按照公开、公正、透明原则进行评审。评选结果和获奖作品将在学院网站及各校园内选登公布。
The review will be carried out under the priciple of being public, fair, and transparent. The review results and the award-winning works will be posted on school website and in the school yard.
2. 本次摄影比赛设一等奖1名、二等奖2名、三等奖3名。优秀作品将有机会参加浙江省“我和浙江”摄影比赛评比活动。
This photo competition set one frist prize, two senond prizes, and three third prizes. Excellent works can be recommended to the Zhejiang province’s photo competition evaluation activity. 
六、作品投稿 Submission Address
Photo works can be delivered to International Education Dision office(R.418, Office bld.),  electric edition sent to gjx@tczj.net.
附件一: 参赛作品登记表.doc                       
                                  国际教育学院 International Education Dision

                                   二OO九年十月二十七日  27th Oct. 2009


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